The Digital World--Lillimon's Page
Hello, Welcome to my page. I am Lillimon, Mimi's digital monster. I am the ultimate form of Palmon. Mimi and I personally think we're very beautiful, but we don't know if anybody else does.
Well, NEway, I want to introduce you to my fellow digimon followers.
Tai,Sora, Mimi, Matt, TK, Joe, Izzy and Kari.

Hello, I'm Sora. I've helped Lillimon a lot with her page. I may not be her best friend, but I still like her.
Digidestined Bios
Tai- An Irrisponsible kid, who loves adventure. LILLIMON's OPINION: Tai is a bit annoying but he can be caring sometimes.
Sora- A tom-boyish girl who has lots of respect and protectiveness.
LILLIMON's OPINION: Truth to say, I don't really like her that much, but she is O.K. I would never tell her that to her face.
Mimi- She is a sweet, caring girl who loves attention unless it is annoying attention. LILLIMON's OPINION: Out of all the Digidestined, Mimi is my favorite. She helped me reach this stage with her sincere heart.
TK- He is so nice to people and his heart keeps growing. LILLIMON's OPINION:
He is my second best friend in all the Digidestined. He is so caring.
Izzy- A computer geek who can get on Mimi's nerves . LILLIMON's OPINION: I don't like Izzy at all! The way he treats Mimi is a horrible influence to little TK!
Matt- He is too cool, but he is sensitive. LILLIMON's OPINION: He definitely is the hottest member of the digidestined. (Tai starts kissing noises)
Joe- A voice of reason and reliability.
LILLIMON's OPINOIN: I try to get Joe to be braver,but it never works. He's pretty funny sometimes.
Kari- A pretty little girl, with good taste. She loves cats.
LILLIMON's OPINION: I like Kari, on a friendship scale from 1-10, i'd give Kari a 9.

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